The NHS App


Connecting GP surgeries to the NHS App

Patients at 95% of GP surgeries in England can now use all the features of the NHS App.

You can check if your GP surgery is connected when you open the app for the first time. If it's not, you can register your email address, and we'll notify you when they go live.

If your GP surgery is not connected, you can still download the app and use it to check your symptoms and find out what to do when you need help urgently.

Keeping your data secure

When your surgery is connected, and you register in the app, we'll carry out checks to confirm your identity. The app will then securely connect to information from your GP surgery. To keep your access secure, we'll send a security code to your phone each time you use the app.

The Surgery would like to invite you to use the NHS App

If you’re a patient at our practice, you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

It doesn’t replace existing services. You can still contact us in the usual ways, but once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information. You can: 

  • order repeat prescriptions
  • access NHS 111 online
  • find NHS services
  • view your health records
  • book appointments
  • and much more… 

If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can select ‘help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit

Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

Managing someone else's GP services 

Did you know you can get help with managing your GP services, or even help someone else manage theirs? You need to both be patients at our surgery to apply. Find out more at

Proxy Access

If you're a family member or friend, you can apply to access someone's GP services to help them manage their care. Find out more at

Child Proxy

You can order your child's repeat prescriptions online through the NHS App. Fill in an online form to set this up. Find out more at

NHS Proxy